- kung pao chicken宫保鸡丁;
- Kung Fu Panda功夫熊猫;
- 双语例句
At present, the monastery is striving to explore and disseminate Shaolin Kung Fu culture.
The story of Kung Fu Panda tells us in a funny way that _.
Over two out of their way around champion, it is simple text and the Kung Fu.
其地前后出过两个状元, 那就是简文会和伦文叙.
Engineer by day, Kung Fu master by night!
白日是工程师, 晚上是功夫掌门人!
Kung Fu people live , on September 16, force through hard work, get a clue from Jiangyin.
功夫不负有心人, 9月16日, 专案组经过艰苦工作, 得到了一条来自江阴的线索.
Be a Kung Fu master! Please join our courses.
如想成为一位有内涵的武林高手, 请加入本中心为你而设的武术训练课程.
He loved the same kung fu movies and video games as other boys.
A: Can you tell me a little bit about Chinese Kung Fu?
你能告诉我一些关于中国功夫的事情 吗 ?
Is Shaolin Kung Fu really as miraculous as movies and fictions show?
By the late seventies, he introduced Kung Fu Comedy and was welcomed by the audience.
由七十年代末, 他介绍了功夫喜剧和欢迎观众.
The Kung fu monks of China, testing physical extremes with rods of iron.
Why are you so interested in writing Kung Fu?
This session is less gymnastic and focuses on the first form of Shaolin Kung Fu.
He decides to study kung fu.
GC : What advice do you have for the readers of Kung Fu Tai Chi?
你对功夫太极读者有什么建议 吗 ?
This was a very good kung fu movie.
Peerless Chinese Kung fu is a unique material culture heritage.
Kung fu masters are made not born.
JINYONG : Because Kung Fu is one of the most precious parts of Chinese culture.
And sometimes it is just fun to watch a cartoon panda trying to do kung fu.
Do you know any kung fu?
你会功夫 吗 ?
It features 30 Chinese nationals are highly skilled in Shaolin Kung Fu.
The old French efforts to confirm an old Chinese phrase, " Kung Fu people live. "
这位法国老人的努力印证了那句中国古话, “ 功夫不负有心人. ”
You can say that again. Could you explain what Kung Fu is all about, then?
您说得很对. 那麽您能不能说说功夫到底是怎麽回事?
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